Greetings from Superintendent Karrels


NOSD seeks a five-year, $1.7M annual operating referendum to manage stagnant per-pupil funding and projected budget deficits.

In fall 2022, the Northern Ozaukee School Board received community feedback indicating support for a five-year operating referendum – with no mill rate increase. As a result of current tax bills, the District modified their plans and would be able to reduce the mill rate – and the school portion of tax bills, while reallocating funds to meet essential needs. The proposed operating referendum would not increase school taxes and allows the District to: 

  • Address projected budget deficits
  • Maintain current programs, student services, staffing & facilities maintenance 


A postcard with key questions and upcoming events has been mailed to all District residents. A detailed, Special Referendum Newsletter will be mailed in February.

This webpage contains resources for learning including our long-range budget planning work from last fall. We encourage you to review the QUICK LINKS to the right and to join us at any of the following EVENTS:

Community Information Meetings

  • Wednesday, February 15, 7PM, Fine Arts Center
  • Monday, March 13, 7PM, Fine Arts Center


Open Door Wednesdays – no appointment needed!

  • February 15 – March 29, 7:30AM-8:30AM, HS Innovation Room

Thank you for learning the facts and being an informed voter on April 4!

If you have questions or wish to schedule a meeting outside of the planned events, please contact us!

Dave Karrels, Superintendent
Josh McDaniel, Director of Business Services

OES 4K Informational Event

Join Principal Kucharski and 4K staff on Monday, February 17th from 6:00-7:00 pm to learn more about the all day 4K program at OES. Families will have the opportunity to enroll that night. Learn more about our 4K program by clicking here.