Technology Vision

The Northern Ozaukee School District provides a technology-rich environment used to prepare students to think critically, make informed decisions, be continual learners, value learning, and be productive members of a democratic society.

 In support of the information technology mission of NOSD and the vision of the Wisconsin Digital Learning Plan, the Board of Education, administration, staff and students believe that technology resources play an integral role in:

  •  Developing critical skills such as problem-solving, creativity and innovation, communication, and collaboration to prepare students to be career and college ready.
  • Providing learning experiences that are engaging, relevant, and personalized to maximize each person’s learning potential.
  • Meeting the needs of all learners with equitable access for all.

 Technology remains at the forefront of discussions and initiatives in the Northern Ozaukee School District.

Technology Links


Lori Marini

District Learning Coach/Media Specialist

OES 4K Informational Event

Join Principal Kucharski and 4K staff on Monday, February 17th from 6:00-7:00 pm to learn more about the all day 4K program at OES. Families will have the opportunity to enroll that night. Learn more about our 4K program by clicking here.