Enroll at the Northern Ozaukee School District

As a school community, we know the importance of preparing our young men and women to be successful members of society. Our work and passion are to prepare each student to be successful during his/her time here at NOSD and beyond.  Whether you are new to our district or returning, we are excited for you to Experience Excellence at the Northern Ozaukee School District!

Student Registration Information:

The Skyward New Student Registration Portal is accepting new student registrations for the 2025-26 school year.
If you have further questions, would like more information, or would like to schedule a tour of our campus, please contact Ann Baumann, our District registrar and enrollment coordinator at tel: 262-692-2489 ext 294 or abaumann@nosd

Enrolling new students 4K-12

1. Identify your child’s school:

Ozaukee Elementary: 4K to 5th graders who live in the Village of Fredonia, parts of the towns of Belgium, Fredonia and Saukville.
Ozaukee Middle School: 6th to 8th graders who live in the Village of Fredonia, parts of the towns of Belgium, Fredonia and Saukville.
Ozaukee High School: 9th to 12th graders who live in the Village of Fredonia, parts of the towns of Belgium, Fredonia and Saukville.

NOTE: If you are enrolling a child to Ozaukee High School, it is helpful to send us transcripts and/or a current grade report.
Parents and high school students are encouraged to take a look at the 2025-26 Course Program Guide to get an idea of the classes offered at OHS.

Sugar Maple Nature Charter School: 5K to 7th graders who live in the Village of Fredonia, and surrounding communities. To learn more about the Sugar Maple Nature Charter School please visit the website: https://www.sugarmaplenatureschool.org/

Wisconsin Virtual Learning Charter School: 4K to 12th graders who live in the state of Wisconsin.
To learn more about Wisconsin Virtual Learning please visit the website: https://wisconsinvl.net/

. Complete the enrollment process:

If you are a current family with students already enrolled with NOSD, please log into Family Access to enroll a new student.
If you do not have any students currently enrolled in the Northern Ozaukee School District click on the following link to enroll:
New Student Registration

Please note: If you do not have access to a computer, please stop by any Northern Ozaukee School District Office to complete the enrollment process.

3. Provide Documents:
In order to complete the enrollment process please upload the following documents, when requested, as you complete the New Student Registration:
– Proof of residency (utility bill, rental agreement or property tax bill).
– Birth Certificate (student’s new to public school – 4K,5K)
– Immunization Verification
Free and Reduced Lunch Application with Instructions (English)
Free and Reduced Lunch Application with Instructions (Spanish)

If you have any questions, please email our Registrar, Ann Baumann at  abaumann@nosd.edu or call Ann at (262) 692-2489 ext. 294.

The Open Enrollment Program begins on February 3, 2025 and closes on April 30, 2025 at 4:00 pm. The next enrollment period is Alternative Open Enrollment which will open on July 1, 2025. The alternative open enrollment application for the 2025-26 school year will be available July 1, 2025. Please click on the following link to complete the enrollment process to attend one of the Northern Ozaukee Schools for the 2025-26 school year: New Student Registration.

More information about Open Enrollment can be found on the State DPI website.