Before and after school care at NOSD
The YMCA before and after school care is located on our 4K-12 campus at Ozaukee Elementary School. This is a licensed, activity-based program designed to activate kids' imagination and encourage the lifelong core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility through programs and activities that encourage them to explore healthy lifestyle choices and develop their interests.
Contact Information
401 Highland Dr.
Fredonia, WI. 53021
YMCA Room: 262-692-2401 ext. 210
Ozaukee Elementary School Office: 262-692-2401 ext. 200
Hours of Operation
Mornings: 6:00am-8:25am
Afternoons: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Wednesdays: 2:30pm-6:00pm
What's Included
- Healthy snack in the morning and afternoon
- Great Staff
- Flexible scheduling
- Homework time
- Active games and play
- Care for early dismissal on Wednesdays at no extra cost
- Those enrolled 5 sessions/week receive 50% off a family membership to the YMCA